
[Sun, 13 Jun 2010 15:20:23 +0000]
This project was created for graduate school circa 2010 and is no longer maintained. Links may be broken. MXMLiszt 0.9.2 (Beta) ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Introduction Installation Troubleshooting How it works FAQ Links ___________________________________________________________________________ Introduction MXMLiszt is a web-based delivery and search/retrieval environment for MusicXML [] files and their manifestations. MXMLiszt and an accompanying research paper, Beyond Images: Encoding Music for Access and Retrieval [], were created in order to complete a Master's in Library and Information Science [] at the University of Alabama under the direction of Dr. Steven L. MacCall []. On the name "MXMLiszt": MXMLiszt = MusicXML List. MXMLiszt is pronounced [mak-suh-muh-list []]. MXMLiszt references the great musical maximalist, Franz Liszt []. ___________________________________________________________________________ Installation (Windows 32-bit, home-based server) MXMLiszt is currently known to work on the following 32-bit Windows servers: * Successfully tested for production and hosting on Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 3) and Windows 7 (Professional). * Successfully tested for hosting on Windows Server 2003. MXMLiszt uses the following backend software*: * Musescore (version 0.9.5) * MusicXML Library (version 2.0) * ImageMagick (version 6.5.9-5) * Zong! Player (version 0.4.48)** * Saxon-HE (version 9.2) * BaseX (version 6) * Additionally, you need the Java Runtime Environment [] and an Apache server that supports PHP 5. * Note that many of the software versions are not the most current; this will be addressed in future versions. ** The Zong! Player is included with MXMLiszt 0.9.2. To get MXMLiszt up and running do the following: 1. Assuming you don't have an Apache/PHP setup, download XAMPP [ ]. + Create a "bin" folder inside the root XAMPP folder. + Because some of the MXMLiszt scripts take a lot of time to run, increase the maximum execute time in "php.ini" to more than the default of 60 seconds. I used “3600”. 2. Download the [] file. + Extract the files/folders and place the root "MXMLiszt" folder inside XAMPP's “htdocs” folder. + Open "setup.php" and change line 5 (below) to replace the default Administrator password from “tausig” to your own password. o <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;">$validPassword = "tausig";</span></span> 3. Download MuseScore []. + Install MuseScore inside the “bin” folder you made in Step 1. + Rename the root folder to just “MuseScore”. + The program executable should be located at "bin\MuseScore\bin\mscore.exe". + Run MuseScore and go to Edit>Preferences>Export and uncheck “Screen shot function”. + Click "Apply". + Go to Edit>Preferences>Score and select "A4" as the default paper size and make sure "Landscape" and "Two sided" are unchecked. + Click “Apply”. + Close the program. 4. Download MusicXML Library []. + Create a folder called “libmusicxml” inside your “bin” folder and extract all the MusicXML Library files in that folder. + The transposition executable should be located at "bin\libmusicxml\xmltranspose.exe". 5. Download ImageMagick []. + Install ImageMagick inside the “bin” folder. + Rename the root folder to simply “ImageMagick”. + The “convert” executable should be located at "bin\ImageMagick\convert.exe". 6. Download the Java version of BaseX []. + Place the .jar file in the “bin” folder. 7. Download Saxon-HE []. + Extract the .jar file to the “bin” folder. 8. Run “xampp-control.exe” from the root XAMPP folder and start only the Apache module: IMAGE: [] 9. You should now be able to go to “http://localhost/MXMLiszt/” or "" from your browser and see the MXMLiszt welcome page: IMAGE: [] 10. Now login via the "Administrator>Login/Logoff" link and execute options 1 through 6; this may take a while. 11. Hope it works! ___________________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting Administrator errors: 1. generateMODS.php not working + Make sure Java is installed. + You must have a live internet connexion for Saxon to perform XSLT operations due to xsd/schema needs. User errors: 1. Zong! Player not working + Make sure Java [] is installed. I use version 1.6.0_20. + Make sure you've installed the Java Soundbank []. + Occassionally, there are MusicXML files Zong! Player cannot play. I plan to contact the programmers and ask why this might happen from time to time. 2. Some of the PDFs have very odd spacing and page layout issues. + I think this is an issue with MuseScore. I own Finale Notepad [] and it seems to do a better job with MusicXML import. But, I really don't know yet why these things happen from time to time with certain pieces. I should probably experiment more with MuseScore style configurations. ___________________________________________________________________________ How it works MXMLiszt works on the principle that while the MusicXML encoding for a given composition is itself a manifestation of a work (i.e. the “composition”), the MusicXML file itself can function as a sub-work capable of birthing derivative image and audio files; manifestations also include musical transpositions in MusicXML format, thus allowing the the transpositions to serve as sub-sub-works also capable of spawning new image and audio content. The following graphic attempts to depict the essential overall framework of the platform: IMAGE: [] ___________________________________________________________________________ FAQ 1. Why are you using the Zong! Player? MuseScore can create OGG [] files from free SoundFonts [] and the audio can be embedded in the HTML5